I was planning to do the RoadBikeReview ride today, but I misread the Siclista blog on where the meeting place was. So I rode alone for a good 15 miles until I remembered that there was another shorter ride which was posted on the blog. I figured I would ride against the route and I should run into them. I was already close to the start point and I hadn't run into anyone. A quick SMS message to the ride leader and I find out that they decided to the the ride clockwise. We were about 6-8 miles apart so we rode toward each other till we hooked up.
L-R Me, JohnM & Manny
We met up and there were just two riders, JohnM and Manny. JohnM was riding a different bike. He usually rides a Softride bike, but today he showed up on a Orbea Orca bike! Nice bike JohnM! He too was planning to ride the RBR ride, but realized he forgot most of his riding gear, he had to go back home to get it. So he decided to do the short ride that was posted. Good thing he did, because he is so used to riding the Softride bike which is setup TT and the Orca is setup as a standard road bike. It was a new riding experience for him.
JohnM with his Orbea Orca
During the ride back to my car, I got a flat and while repairing it, I met Sissie and Glenn from Florida. They were on these 3 wheel trikkes that I have seen on tv.
Glenn & Sissie
Ride Stats: Time: 3:23 Dist: 53.61mi Avg: 15.8mph Cadence: 82rpm Max: 42.3mph AHR: 151bpm MHR: 188bpm